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about the event

In 2024 we present the 24th edition of the Brazilian Psychodrama Congress and the 2nd edition of the Latin American Regional Congress of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes – IAGP, a space for exchanging experiences between professionals in the field in an interactive and comprehensive way.

Esta edição sediada em Belo Horizonte – MG, na Puc Minas Coração Eucarístico (R. Dom José Gaspar, 500 – Coração Eucarístico, Belo Horizonte – MG, 30535-901) contará com 4 dias de evento PRESENCIAL e VIRTUAL full of news, from the 11th to the 14th of September 2024 we are waiting for you to reflect on the topic:

What world do we want? Me, you, us!

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Make your registration

Secure your place at the 24th Brazilian Psychodrama Congress and 2nd Latin American Regional IAGP Congress:

Register your work

Make your submission to the 24th Brazilian Psychodrama Congress and 2nd Latin American Regional IAGP Congress:


Registration for the Scholarship Selection Process at 24th Brazilian Psychodrama Congress:


The event takes place once again in a hybrid format, combining live in-person programming with completely exclusive programming for its digital version, happening simultaneously with interactions, broadcast and dedicated content capsules.

Always thinking about integration and full coexistence, the event has accessibility routes, translation into 2 languages: English and Spanish and broadcast in Libras live and digitally. More information about this fantastic meeting that awaits us will be coming soon!

Together, we reflect on the world we want!


See the accommodation offered close to the Congress location (Puc Coração Eucarístico).

Importe Aeroporto Internacional de Confins
Conexão para Álvares Cabral

Comissões do 24º Congresso de Psicodrama


