Giceli Carvalho Batista Formiga

Plenary: Ears to hear, eyes to see, mouth to speak and hands to do: what are the commitments of Brazilian Psychodrama in the 21st century?

Psychologist, Master in Social Psychology and PhD in Education. Teaching Psychodramatist. Psychologist at the Department of Student Affairs at the Federal University of Sergipe. Psychotherapist for adults, couples and groups. Psychodrama Teacher at PROFINT/FEBRAP.

Lucimar Magalhães de Albuquerque

Plenary: The culture of the Encounter: A look beyond the walls of the University.

Master in Geography and Territorial Management and PhD in Sciences and Human Values. Specialist in Educational Psychology. Training in Psychodrama. Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, member of the Dean of Extension at PUC Minas. Psychodrama Professor at IMPSI/FEBRAP.

Bruno Chevolet

Plenary: How to transform group dynamics and team effectiveness thanks to systems psychodynamics? A gateway from the latter to the former

Master in Engineering. Master in Executive Management.
Founder of TeamMotivation, an organizational development, cultural transformation and team coaching company. Partner of Psy@work, a company that promotes employee well-being and mental health, and Rebaro, a heating technology company; mental health coach in Motorcycling World Championships. Planned and coordinated several international conferences on group relations. He is currently treasurer of IAGP. Former executive in the European steel sector.

Heloisa Junqueira Fleury

Plenary: IAGP: Groups in Connection!

Clinical psychologist; Master's degree from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo. President of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP). Founder and coordinator of the Teaching, Extension and Research Institute Aprendir Vivo. Editor-in-chief of the Revista Brasileira de Psicodrama and the Springer Nature Series Psychodrama in Counseling, Coaching and Education; Treasurer of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC Brasil).
